an other DIY electric supercharger

Hey guys, I count days before receiving the batterys and installing my summer set up and try new thing with my set up! I try to sleep right now but I think of how I can improve my set up and I just had a pretty good idea!
Quick reminder of my set up
I use it right now with a limite switch on my gaz pédal to activate it. So only at WOT, the super charger goes on. I will put an hall effect sensor soon so I can tune the boost by RPM. I've install a BOV because I had some surge going on and I don't have the chance to be able to make it work. For 2 reason or maybe 1. #1 the spring may be to tight #2 I don't have enought tubing to have big volume of pressurised air.
Anyway my thought is, I need vacuum (off the throttle) to pull the BOV piston and pressure at the other side at the same time to push it. I've say to myself that I need to spin the turbo a little bit longer after letting off the throttle. AND there is where the good idea came! If I have for example 2sec ramp up power in the ESC plus the 1sec delay of the arduino every time I shift for 0.5sec. thats a lot of waisted second ! So, if I delay the arduino for 1sec before going off after lething the throtle, it will be always ON when I go to the drag! I will blow off when Im lift my foot, I will have time to shift and go back in WOT and the supercharger will never stop!
Hope this is well explain, I will go to sleep now 😂