an other DIY electric supercharger

If cable lengths are the problem then you could simply shorten them for a test to see if the problem goes away..
I've try first with short, but I've not try to improve it short first. I go directly to long cable and programme the ESC with long cable. So, I don't even know, in my case, if the cable was the problem for the small chugging I still had at the end. For wath I read and the advice I had from MGM, I will still try with long motor cable
I asked in the comments of your youtube video, but I'll ask here as well - did you need to do anything to get the ESC to work with the long motor cables, or did it just work with the better esc? With my original flier ESC, it wouldn't sync. I didn't even try running long motor cables with the APD ESC.

this is the only thing I did! nothing special. The MGM guy I talk he said without hesitation that I will be fine with 7' cable
so you are using the TP5870 with a MGM ESC?
Can you please post here which KV TP5870 with which MGM controler and what battery voltage?
Interesting - I did play with the "start up" power setting on the flier ESC, but it still didn't work. The deeper I get into this, the more I'm convinced the Fliers are just complete garbage. I'm glad you got it to work! It probably would've worked with the APD too. Oh well, it's installed in the car and in a pretty good spot. I'll just keep it the way it is on my setup for now.
I have play with the start up on the flier too and I manage to get good improvement but never perfect ! beside of that I've never been able to spool it with that much power 😂
Where does this go ?

im 99% sure that goes to the rocker cover / crank case. And that should be on the inlet side of your turbo after the MAF.. having it after the turbo will be pressurizing your crank case!
The MAF sensor is in the right place now. The 2 little tube is one for the evap and the other is for the master cylinder. The big plug you take a picture is for the blow of valve. All is in the right place and ready to go