WARNING - DANGER! Seriously.


Staff member
Hey guys - since I'm so good at time management, I just wrapped up working on the car to get it track ready. It's now just after 4 am my time. But this cannot be overstated - WHAT WE ARE DOING IS DANGEROUS. IF YOU CHOOSE TO PURSUE ELECTRIC BOOST, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK; YOU AGREE TO HOLD ME, THIS FORUM OR ANYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH ME NOT LIABLE SHOULD ANY HARM OR DAMAGE COME TO YOU OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING.

Here's what prompted this post - I was doing some work in the trunk, and my hand brushed against just the positive terminal of my packs - currently charged to 61 volts. No other part of my body was touching anything metal. It's a little warm in the garage, so I was sweating just a bit. I GOT SHOCKED. Literally. I didn't think I'd provide enough of a ground, but apparently, I did. That was about 45 minutes ago. It wasn't severe, but I still feel it. At 61 volts, and only 1 terminal. I didn't think it was possible. I was wrong. PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
It didn't last too long. But I'm still a bit puzzled how I actually got shocked. It shouldn't have been enough voltage. Maybe because I was a bit sweaty. That's the only reason I can think of.
On the topic of safety, Is it possible to fireproof the battery box or will LiPo cells melt through just about anything? Incase of a wreck, short, or spontaneous meltdown.
As far as an actual LiPo fire is concerned, even a .065" or thicker aluminum box is fine. Steel is better (and you can go thinner). LiPos don't really burn very hot or actually explode with much force. An ESC failure, on the other hand, can cause a plasma arc. Nothing (short of firebrick, practically speaking) will stop that. Ask me how I know... :)