The Sledgehammer - Shooting for 1,000hp


Staff member
I know this is the tech section, but I'm invoking my right of jus primae noctis (well, not exactly right, but you get the idea - also known as "droit du seigneur" for WB). It has begun:

Lol - I just noticed in the ebay ad that the guy "only uses Kluber Isoflex grease." That's the exact same stuff I'm using in the Vortech. And it is expensive as all heck. I paid about $50 for 50ml.
Lol - I just noticed in the ebay ad that the guy "only uses Kluber Isoflex grease." That's the exact same stuff I'm using in the Vortech. And it is expensive as all heck. I paid about $50 for 50ml.
For the last 35 years if I had a Electric Blower or Pump I used Fomblin (Dimethyle siloxane/silicon dioxide) the price has dropped a lot. FYI

And humm I have 8 finger tips really only need one.
on the next day after the finger joke I removed this and I cut a finger20220225_164719.jpg putting it back in monday I cut my a finger so bad I'm still in hospital but I will not lose it, The new motor runs great :)